a prayer for a return to our knowledge

Firstdraft, Gadigal Country (Woolloomooloo, NSW)

11 March 2022

stills from live performance, drawing ancestral crochet on the body and vocalising

The Only Thing Left is to Leave Presented in partnership with Beirut Art Center, Arab Theatre Studio, supported by the Keir Foundation. 

Photos: Jacquie Manning

methodically, rhythmically

catching the thread

making loops

I know this rhythm and movement, it has become <<automatic>> in my own body.

I need my deepest listening.

This is all I have

of her labour

of her knowledge

her skills

and love

and art.

I took them unceremoniously, a breaking of the bound threads.

(it wasn’t meant to be like this)

I found it with my imagination,

with my queer understandings of family and tradition and lineage.

when I broke what I perceived I was destined to carry,

through rebellion and refusal.